Chemists online self-study award scheme 2018/19

Chemists online self-study award scheme 2018/19

Date: 02/09/2019


Chemists online self-study award scheme 2018/19


4 students have been awarded.

(最高榮譽)鑽石級Diamond Award

4A 2 CHEN JIAXI 陳嘉熙 11607

4A 7 FONG CHING 房正 11777

5A 9 HON SUET YI 韓雪兒 11179

(次高榮譽)鉑金級Platinum Award

5A 26 TSANG SIN YI 曾倩怡 11058  

這個課程有24個講座,涵蓋不同化學的主題,由製造出可扭曲的電話屏幕到測定食物質素皆有涉獵。 除了講座內容之外,本課程在HKMOOC上的討論區和Facebook上設有不同型式的網上活動,包括新聞分享、網上投票活動和討論問題。 這些活動旨在加深同學對化學的認識。 

The program comes with 24 seminars covering a wide range of chemistry topics, ranging from making flexible display screen materials to checking the quality of food. In addition to the seminar materials, there will also be online activities in the course site on HKMOOC and in the student Facebook Group, including news articles sharing, online polling questions, and discussion questions. All these activities aim to consolidate students' knowledge in chemistry.
